New Client On-Boarding: Contact Form Review Process

Well, hello there,

We’re so excited you’re here!! Now that you’ve filled out the form, you’re probably wondering, “ummmm, now what?” … well, this article will explain the contact form review process so you know exactly what to expect next.

Once we receive your request, we’ll review all of your information to see if it’s a good fit. The 3 things we look at right off the bat are:

1.       Your location:

a.     For Just-like-Home Boarding (JLHB), this doesn’t really affect much because your non-human kids are coming to RW HQ (yay!).

b.     For Drop-in Pet Sitting (DIPS) though, it definitely does. We max out at an 8-mile drive from our home location so anything beyond that we usually don’t do. However, if you do fall out of that max distance, there are a few factors that will help us consider your request – for example: if you have farm animals which means you have to live outside of the city, or if the days you requested are light on bookings, or if you only require visits early in the morning and later in the evening (when traffic is low), etc. Based on those factors, we’d probably be willing to stretch our driving distance to 10 – 12 miles but, it really does depend on a handful of factors so, just keep that in mind.

c.     For Special Requests (SR), it might or might not affect much, it really depends on what type of special request you’ve submitted. If you’re looking for a 4-hour hiking adventure so you can host a dinner party, then the mileage matters. However, if you’re looking for a 6-hour playtime palooza at RW HQ (complete with the best snacks ever annnd nap breaks!), then your location doesn’t matter as much since they’ll be coming to us.

2.      Type of service:

a.     For JLHB requests, since we do have a resident pup (Mickey), we take into account all of the details you’ve provided to ensure everyone’s energy, personalities, and preferences match (if they’re small animals, this doesn’t matter as much as they have their own suite).

b.     For DIPS, we’ll also look at all of the details so we can determine the best visit duration, how many visits per day we’d recommend (if different than what was requested), etc.

c.      For SR, we’ll read through and see what service would be most helpful, ie. hiking adventure, playtime @RW HQ, enrichment games, quiet time @RW HQ, etc.

3.      Your requested reservation dates:

a.     For all service types we look at our schedule next to see if we’re available to help during the dates and times you requested. It takes a little bit of magic and finessing to get things to work out but, we’ll do our best to help.

Once we’ve considered those 3 main items plus all of the other helpful information you’ve provided, we’ll send you an email within 24 hours to either set up a meet-and-greet or to let you know that we, unfortunately, cannot accept your request.

If everything syncs up and things are lookin’ good, then the next big step is the meet-and-greet. You can read all about how it works and what to expect here: New Client On-Boarding: The Meet-and-Greet.

If by chance, things don’t work out this time, we’ll provide you with a list of other professional pet sitters in the area to reach out to. We actually have a few websites we like to steer people to so, we’ll definitely include those. And remember, just because it didn’t work out this time, doesn’t mean it won’t work out next time so, please feel free to come back and submit another request the next time you need some help.


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