Our Story
Rosie DeLibero
Owner. Chief Interspecies Specialist.
+ USAF Veteran. Dog Mom. Animal Enthusiast. Type-A’er. Sensitive Soul.
After years of searching for high-quality professional pet care for my 4 dogs (and being unsuccessful), I established Rosie Walks LLC in 2017. I thought, if I’m having a hard time finding the level of care that I want, then others probably are too. And boy was I right! Since officially launching RW, I’ve had the privilege to professionally care (and continue to care) for a variety of different animals - from alpacas to bearded dragons to Shar Pei’s – and I’ve loved every minute of it.
For 7+ years, I’ve been professionally caring for people’s non-human family members but, like most in my field, animals have been a big part of my life, well, since forever. I went from being the kid that used to bring all of the stray cats home and caring for the neighbors’ horses - to - being the adult who fed and cared for all of the stray neighborhood cats (from food to vet visits) and rescued 4 dogs all within a year.
For the last 10+ years, my rescues have been the best pet care teachers ever. The level of loyalty, care, and protection I provide for your animals is at the same level that I provide for my own.
In a nutshell (because I could talk about this forever), my approach to caring for your non-human family members is, if they get hurt – I get hurt (remember Lady Gaga’s dog walker, yeah, I’d take a bullet for any of my animal friends, no questions asked). From day 1, I see your animals as my “ride or die” and my “best-fur-friend-forever”. I take the time to build a deep meaningful relationship with them to ensure that I can provide them with the highest quality care possible.
I also believe that enriching their lives (and yours) is a team effort. It takes a village to provide them with what makes them the happiest and healthiest they can be. I take great pride in being part of your pet care team.