10 Unconventional Reasons to Hire a Pet Care Professional

Whether it’s a pet sitter, dog walker, dog runner, pet boarder - there are a plethora of unconventional reasons why you could/should hire a pet care pro. Or at the very, very least have several someones* on hand to help you get through the times where you might need a little extra help with your non-human kids.

  1. You’re having a baby. Oh baby, baby! Here they come. Your bags are ready, the car’s gassed up, the cribs assembled, but your pets are like, “wtf John, what about us?”. Whether it’s overnights leading up to the due date, a 3am phone call saying, “the baby’s here! can you take over with the non-human kids?”, or it’s the week after the baby arrives and you’re still figuring out the little monster’s, uh, I mean, little one’s new life schedule; having a pet pro on hand for this momentous event is always a good idea. They can help ease the stress on everyone by taking over your pets’ care needs so you can focus on getting the little one to sleep through the night, or for an hour, or long enough so you can shower, or… well, you get the idea.

  2. You’re moving.where the f, do you think you’re taking my cat tree, Diane?” Yeah, if your pets hate when you pull out your suitcases to go on a trip (without them), how do you think they’re gonna feel when strange people show up at their house (let’s be honest, it’s theirs, we just pay the bills) and start taking out all of their stuff?... yeah, not great. This is where your pet pro comes in. On moving day, your pets can be blissfully unaware of the wretchedness (their word, not mine) that you’re up to. While the scary people take all their stuff, they can peacefully remain unaware at a much more pleasant and less stressful location while being entertained (or bribed, either verb works) with toys, treats, and cuddles.

  3. It’s your anniversary. You’ve made it, way too gooo! Now, you want to celebrate. You light the candles, order takeout from the fancy restaurant, buy the really expensive champagne (ya know the one, the name is hard to pronounce and it rhymes with other words you can’t pronounce). Everything’s set, it’s time to romance it up and ann-i-verse in every room of the house (*wink*). Well, that’s if you can get the dog to stop staring at you and following you around everywhere, or if you can get the guinea pigs to stop squeaking for their dinner. This is where, you guessed it, your pet pro comes in. No, you’re not a bad person for sending your pets on a night-cation without you, trust me, they like it (and really don’t want to watch/hear you ann-i-verse, really, they don’t). I mean, they looove you but, they really, really like all of the one-on-one attention, endless games of fetch, and long conversations about their favorite type of hay. They won’t be mad, I promise.

  4. Surgery/sickness. Uy! That bunions gotta go – or – maybe Laura from accounting decided to come into the office with a cold and spread her cooties around and now you have it too (ugggh, Laura!). Can’t clean the litter box? Walk the dog? Bend down or get up without the room spinning like it did back in college after that one frat party that you blocked out ‘cause it was so, so rough? If that’s the case, hire a pet pro to take care of all your non-human kid responsibilities. Heck, if you get a good one (*cough, like me, *cough), they might even bring you some coffee or some donuts to help ease the suckiness of being out-of-order for a while.

  5. Mental Health. Sometimes you just can’t do it. And by it, I mean life. Sometimes everything other than your bed and cuddling your pets sounds terrible. And that’s ok. A pet pro can help take them for their walks (or runs, if that’s their thing), or play fetch with them outback, or clean their litter box, or change out their bedding, or launder their accessories + toys, or pretty much take care of whatever they need. This way, you get the time you need, they get what they need, and you both can come back together to keep supporting each other. Pet pros are part of your support system. They’re part of your pet care team. Your health is just as important to them as your non-human kids’ health. And I know it can be tough to ask for help but, we do what we do because we enjoy being of service to animals and their people. So next time, make the call or send the texts. Pet pros got you.

  6. You’re having work done on the house. Roof install/repair/etc. has to be, hands down, the loudest home project you can have done. It shakes the windows, it rattles the doors, it sends books flying off the shelves (ok, well I’m exaggerating a little bit on that last one but, you get what I’m sayin’). Your pets think the big bad wolf is outside trying to blow the house down, they’re under the furniture, they’re shaking like leaves in the corner (everyone gets the Chihuahua shakes, Chi’s just get them more often – like when the wind blows West instead of East), they’re staring at you with those, “why, oh why, aren’t you doing anything to stop the madness?!?” eyes. Whatever project you have going on that causes your pets to try and crawl inside of your skin for cover, pet pros can help with that. Sending them on a day-cation will make a wooorld of difference, trust me.

  7. You’re hosting a dinner party. The day has finally come, the house is spotless, the table is set, the food is cooking, you look amaaazing (thanks to Spanx and DVF). And then… your dogs walk in soaking wet, covered in mud, and start wrestling on the freshly vacuumed rug. It hits you, S#!T!, you forgot about your barking, rough-housing, bouncy dogs. You love them but, their Wrestle-mania shenanigans are gonna have to go elsewhere (plus Deborah is coming and we all know how she feels about dog hair *eye-roll*). Yup, you guessed it, it’s time to call your pet pro. They can come gather your WWE stars and take them to continue their Royal Rumble at a more appropriate, and softly padded, location.

  8. Selling your home. 5 potential buyer visits one day, open house all weekend, 3 virtual walk-throughs another day… 3 weeks later, there’ve been so many people in your house you’re thinking of installing a revolving door. It’s nice to have people fawn all over your gorgeous home but, the downside, you can’t have your non-human kids in the house while people are shopping the goods. This is when a day-cation or a 2-hour hiking adventure with their favorite pet pro will help keep your pets delightfully unaware that you’re trying to sell their house without their permission (‘cause again, it’s their house, we just live in it).

  9. Festivals/conferences/tattoo expos. The plan was to only stay for a few hours, walk around, check things out, then bounce. Well, that was until somehow you got talked into finally starting that tat sleeve or your friend Jill convinces you to stay for just one more set (which turns into backstage passes, then into the after-hours party, then into waking up next to a drummer who looks like Adam Levine but definitely is not). Thankfully before things got all after-hours-y with not-Adam-Levine or before you got inked and saran-wrapped, you sent your pet pro a text to ask if they could check in on your non-human kids. So, while you were out doing what’s what, your pets were safely and soundly cuddled up with your pet pro watching The Lion King for the 2,012th time (‘cause it never gets old!).

  10. Natural disasters. You’re probably thinking, “Rosie, if a natural disaster happens, wouldn’t pet pros be affected too?!?” And it’s both a yes and a no. Here’s why: if it’s a Tsunami, then yes; but if it’s wildfires, then probably not. If you’re ever in an unfortunate situation where you need to get yourself and your non-human family members to safety quickly, having an established relationship with a pet pro who is outside of the red zone is an AMAZING option. If they have room (indoor/outdoor), a secure yard, and are far enough away, then it works! My recommendation would be to give your pet pro a call before the evacuation order is given, that way, your non-human kids are safe, and you’re not scrambling to figure out a plan for them. You’re already stressed enough, it’s ok to get them to safety before it gets bad, so you can have more time to figure out what the plan is for your human family members and your belongings. Also, not all emergency shelters take pets so, believe me, pet pros can literally save your pets’ lives in natural disaster situations. (side note: this can also include farm animals; if you’re lucky enough to work with a pet pro who has acreage, that’s even better)

I only listed 10 but, there are a plethora of other unusual life happenings that a pet pro can help you with. So, what am I sayin’? Whether you’re home, on vacation, at a conference, hosting a dinner party, having a baby, etc., etc., etc. – when you need help with your pets, pet pros got you!

It takes a BIG team to keep your pets happy and healthy… and for you to keep your sanity in this simultaneously spectacular and maddening life. You’re not in it alone, we’re here to help.

*I did say “several someones”. Here’s more on why having 2+ pet pros to call when you need help, is always a good idea: The More Pet Pros, The Better


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